Monday, November 8, 2010

It Can Be Done... "The Twinkie Diet"

It's an absolute certainty that we live in a world where appearance matters. Love it or hate it, it's the truth. Personally, last year I went through the 90 day workout routine that swept the nation, P90X. It worked for me, I lost four pounds and dropped an inch in my waist in the first two weeks then put on 10 pounds over the lifespan of the workout. It put me in arguably the best shape of my life. It worked for me... but losing weight wasn't my goal.
Losing the poundage was exactly this man's goal, though, and he went a different route. profiled Mark Haub as he took on the "Twinkie Diet" and dropped 27 pounds in just two months. 

It would be easy to pass this story off as some quack just trying to prove the system wrong and do something weird, but this guy is legit.  He's a nutrition professor at Kansas State University.

It's a great read and proves once again that it doesn't really matter what goes into your body, but rather, how much and what you do to burn those calories off.