Sunday, January 16, 2011

Aaron Rodgers: Rude Dude

It's no secret that I'm a huge Vikings fan. I was born and raised in Minnesota and without fail, I bleed purple and gold. That's why this was one tough weekend of football to watch for me. Packers won yesterday and then earlier today the Bears won as well.

But back to the title of this post. Aaron Rodgers is an ass. Now, some of this disdain comes from the fact that I can't stand the Packers. Some comes from jealousy. He's really good and if he wore purple I'd be his number one fan. The main reason for this post, though, is because A-Rodg pulled the "I'm too good for you" card and played it at the worst time. Packer nation will have nothing of this, but it's true. Rodgers is NOT that humble.

Jan Cavanaugh, a cancer patient who is a huge Packer fan, was looking for an autograph at the airport where the Pack were... and "Mr. Humble" wouldn't even give her the time of day. That's just rude. If you're a star in a league that acknowledges and pushes for a cure of breast cancer (you know that entire month where pink infiltrates every NFL stadium) the least you can do is stop and sign a damn autograph for a lady who has no hair and is wearing pink from head to toe. To drive home the point even further, Rodgers and ALL the Packers KNEW Ms. Cavanaugh was going to be there. The stewardess on their plane informed them upon their arrival that she was, and had been, waiting for them to land.

WBAY is Green Bay had the story and realized after posting the video to their website that it probably wasn't a fantastic idea to show the "face" of the Packers acting the role of a fool. Soon they took down the video, but thanks to YouTube everybody can still see Rodgers being an ass.

**Side note** Clay Matthews stopped and acted like a true star (and human being) and signed an autograph for Jan.

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